Summer Financial Wellness Special
Watch a Video and Enter to Win a Prize. Drawings held weekly (10.00 Starbuck gift cards) through August 31, and a GRAND PRIZE BASKET OF WELL-BEING drawing for all previous entries held the first week of September. WATCH and WIN!
NWWA Providence is partnering with Workforce Snohomish on financial well-being and financial literacy for our caregivers. Many resources and a financial well-being toolkit are currently available on the caregiver hub. In addition, we have partnered with Workforce Snohomish to provide additional live MS Teams classes. Two classes have already been recorded. The feedback from caregivers so far is AMAZING!
It’s easy and incredibly helpful. Here’s How: Watch either of the Financial Video Recordings Events on Budgeting and/or Credit.
BEFORE August 31st and ENTER TO WIN A PRIZE (weekly Starbuck 10.00 gift card drawings held until August 3t and Grand Prize Gift Basket for all entries held the first week of September ). Enter to win by e-mailing [email protected] before August 31 with the following information after you have watched the video: 1) Share a one thing that inspired you or a helpful reminder 2) A goal or intention you have financially 3) Something you love to do for fun! 4) Finally, was the information helpful? Or anything else you would like to share or future topics? (HELPFUL HINT: copy and past questions into e-mail, jot down your thoughts, and hit send!).
About the Presenters:
Becky House
For over 20 years, Becky House has been a noteworthy leader in the financial counseling and education space. She is the Education Director for American Financial Solutions and Becky can also be credited with contributions to U.S. News and World Report, ABC, CBS, and Money Magazine (Time).
Becky has been honored as the 2019 Financial Educator of the Year by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling for her contributions to helping people improve their financial lives. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business and Psychology from Washington State University in Pullman WA and currently resides in Southworth, WA with her three dogs, two cats, lizard, and numerous fish.
Jared Schapiro
Jared is a Community Resource Navigator with Workforce Snohomish and leads the Snohomish County Asset Building Coalition. He has a Master’s Degree in Teaching and over a decade of experience working with non-profit organizations to help individuals and families realize financial empowerment and self-sufficiency. He is currently training with AFCPE to become an Accredited Financial Counselor.