Each year, Providence Institute for a Healthier Community (PIHC) conducts a Countywide Health and Well-being Monitor™ (HWBM) that measures six dimensions of health in Snohomish County, including:
- Relationships and Social Connections
- Mental and Emotional Health
- Work, Learning and Growth
- Neighborhood and Environment
- Security and Basic Needs
- Physical Health
Early results from the Monitor show backsliding in many areas. The results were not unexpected, as 2021 data suggested that although there was bounce back from the 2020 ‘covid well-being cliff,’ it was coming at a cost. There seems to be no short-cut to healing or recovery.
In this year’s report, you’ll learn more about what’s impacting our individual and community well-being including the ways continued stressors of pandemic years have impacted our capacity to do more, and the stretches are being felt particularly on our mental, emotional, and physical health in addition to our work lives.
Download the abbreviated report here. For more information on the full report contact us here.
Individual communities (like regions, towns, churches or organizations) are invited to conduct their own Health and Well-being Monitor. To learn how you can measure how your community well-being compares to Snohomish County as a whole, click here.