Latino Expo is back!

Latino Expo is back!

Providence was in community at the Latino Expo 2023 on Saturday, July 29th at Edmonds College on the Triton Field in...

Local Community Well-being & Needs Highlight

Local Community Well-being & Needs Highlight

From 2023 Snohomish County PIHC Health and Well-being Monitor.See the full 2023 summary report. This year Physical Health was the most impactful indicator on our county’s overall well-being score. Not surprisingly, results showed that exercise greatly impacts our...

Refugee Day 2023

Refugee Day 2023

June 20, 2023 marked the 22nd annual World Refugee Day. World Refugee Day is observed every year on June 20th to celebrate...

Inaugural Everett Pride

Inaugural Everett Pride

What an incredible honor to be a part of the first Everett Pride! While the weather may not have been the warmest, it...