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Evergreen State Fair – Healthy Communities Day

Providence Regional Medical Center Everett attended the Evergreen State Fair for the Healthy Communities Day.

Providence Regional Medical Center Everett attended the Evergreen State Fair for the Healthy Communities Day. We had representation across a wide range of service lines here in our Snohomish County service area, including our inpatient clinical pharmacists, Trauma and Injury Prevention, Providence Intervention Center for Assault and Abuse (PICAA), Stroke, and Providence Institute for a Healthier Community (PIHC).

We shared information for keeping yourself and families healthy and safe, including Trauma and Injury Prevention’s Stop the Bleed Class, signs and symptoms to spot a stroke and for folks to learn about B.E.F.A.S.T. – B – Balance: Watch for sudden loss of balance, E – Eyes: Check for vision loss, F – Face: Look for an uneven smile, A – Arm: Check if one arm is weak, S – Speech: Listen for slurred speech, T – Time: Call 9-1-1 right away. 

 Fair attendees had the opportunity to spin the “Wellness Wheel” aimed to increase self-awareness in areas related to our health and wellness, from relationships and social connections, physical health, work learning and growth, and mental emotional and spiritual health. Access to resources through PIHC’s resource hub www.LiveWellLocal.org was shared for folks who may be interested in finding additional resources for relationships and social connections, physical health, work learning and growth, and mental emotional and spiritual health.

Fairgoers were invited to pick up a Healthy Communities Day passport and visit a variety of booths around the Fair that are focused on health and wellness. Prizes were awarded to those who visited all the booths.

Thank you, Snohomish County Health Department, for inviting us to join Healthy Communities Day!

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