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Happy Fall!

Savoring and letting go; embracing and finding joy in whatever is right now

Happy Fall,

Are you hanging on to summer or full swing into pumpkin latte’s, back to school events, sweaters, and boots, or maybe some of both? I am reminded to balance savoring and letting go; embracing and finding joy in whatever is right now.

For many, you are in the throes of back-to-school routines with your own household or supporting those you serve in this transition. Now with college age kids, that looks different for me from the traditions of earlier years. However, I think we all know that the school of life and work is year-round.

A lesson that has re-emerged, in the upheavals of the pandemic, is a greater awareness of the rituals and rhythms that help keep me grounded. And, even more so, the vital importance of actually practicing (doing) those things, is where the deeper learning happens. While I am grateful for the flexibility in the ways we connect in our work lives, the opening of opportunities to engage through more events, travel, and catch-up gatherings, it sometimes still feels…well, just different. Being active or outdoors, preferably both, is a place I go to reconnect, be inspired, and feel more like me. So, as our natural light wanes, and new routines emerge this fall season, I hope you can find or continue learning/practicing those rhythms and rituals that will sustain and carry you through pumpkin latte’s, back to school events, sweaters, boots, and all this colorful season of fall offers!

This season brings continued learnings from our community as well. Each year, Providence Institute for a Healthier Community (PIHC) conducts a Countywide Health and Well-being Monitor™ (HWBM) that measures six dimensions of health in Snohomish County, and those results are shared at the Edge of Amazing Health and Well-being Summit. A few early insights show that much of the backsliding we saw last year remains in many areas, with a few bright spots:

      • Overall well-being remains stable, but low. Those who report moderate well-being are significantly down, with the most ever reporting struggling levels of well-being. However, capacity to improve is significantly up after last year’s drop, and continues to be where needed most, in those struggling.
      • A traditionally stable measure, relationship satisfaction is showing some strain, but self-reports of discrimination are slightly lower and ratings of community as a good place to raise kids has improved.
      • Work & economic strains are evident. Job satisfaction and opportunities for growth continue to decline. 50% reported basic needs, and most all basic needs have increased.
      • Physical health has the highest impact for overall-well-being yet continues to need improvement although there has been some recovery in health behaviors.

Join us at Edge of Amazing to learn more about the top indicators that most impact our well-being, and how that is different for those ‘struggling’ to ‘flourishing’. In addition, what are the trends since 2017, before and after the initial wave the pandemic, and how do folks feel about Covid-19 now?

Beyond, the HWBM annual results, there will be plenty of opportunities to network, explore and share with local community partners at Edge of Amazing. An in-person event this year, the Ninth Annual Edge of Amazing (EOA) Health and Well-being Summit, is being held on Wednesday, October 18th, 2023. This year the theme is: Reconnection – integrating heart and soul practices that heal, sustain and improve well-being for ourselves and our community. Download the flyer here. Be sure to register and share with colleagues!

In meantime, if you missed it, check out the latest Summer/Fall edition of our Livewelllocal.org Newsletter. Full of upcoming community events and resources, with highlights on September awareness months; fall prevention & suicide prevention.

Wishing you the best this fall season and hope to see you at Edge of Amazing!

Jessica (Jess) Burt
Sr. Director
Providence Institute for a Healthier Community

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