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By tracking the health and well-being of Snohomish County residents from year to year, we help partner organizations to identify and address negative health trends earlier.

Since 2016 we have conducted an annual PIHC Health & Well-being Monitor™. Providence Institute for a Healthier Community’s Health & Well-Being Monitor™ began as a longitudinal survey measuring the well-being of 800,000 Snohomish County residents. Today this comprehensive measure of well-being is used locally and other U.S. states in four ways:

  • COUNTYWIDE SURVEY. A random sample countywide survey is administered yearly by PIHC with an independent third-party research group to track trends andset benchmarks for comparing overall health and well-being in Snohomish County and beyond.
  • COMMUNITY SURVEY. The PIHC Health & Well-being Monitor is customized for employers and community groups who are taking an active role in fostering improved well-being. Learn more about the My Community Health and Well-being Monitor.
  • COMMUNITY HEALTH NEEDS ASSESSMENTS. PIHC is serving hospitals’ obligations to measure community well-being, in ways that go beyond traditional clinical needs assessments. Click here to view past and current CHNA reports. 
  • INDIVIDUAL SURVEY. Individuals who wish to measure their well-being and develop personal well-being plans can start with a personal well-being plan here.

Health and Well-being Monitor™ History and Methodology

The Purpose of the Monitor is to create a standard measure of health & well-being for Snohomish County, defined by the people who live here. The Health and Well-being Monitor™:

  • Monitors & reports changes annually.
  • Offer unprecedented local insights.
  • Help Snohomish County flourish.

In 2015, an array of local partners contributed their voices to this important work to define health and well-being in the voice of our community including: Boys & Girls Club of Snohomish County, Everett Community College, Everett Housing Authority, Housing Hope, Lutheran Community Services, Seattle CityClub, Snohomish County Human Services, Snohomish Health District, The Daily Herald, Tulalip Tribes, UW Bothell, Verdant Health Commission and others. More than 130 residents shared what’s most important to them through community-based participatory research.

Focus groups and listening sessions with over 130 participants selected at random to ensure a representative cross-section of Snohomish County. Methods included:

  • Intercept interviews on the street.
  • Windshield surveys.
  • Reader surveys through The Daily Herald.

During these listening sessions, we learned Snohomish County residents define health and well-being with these 24 attributes.

How the Results Influence Our Work

Providence Institute for a Healthier Community and its many partners are working to make flourishing health and well-being a reality for everyone in Snohomish County. Building our work and priorities around the way people think about their own health, we are using the Health & Well-being Monitor outcomes as a guide for our efforts. We are supporting community education and outreach and have organized all of our work around these core areas:

Relationships & Social Connections

Healthy relationships are vital to health. Strong family ties, friendships, and partnerships can increase our sense of security, self-esteem, and belonging and provide a buffer against stress, anxiety, and depression. Low social connection is linked to declines in physical and  mental health.

Security & Basic Needs

Having enough and freedom from worry play an important role in a person’s health. Lack of access to basic needs and personal safety are linked at all stages of life to physical and mental illness, post-traumatic stress, shorter lifespans and poorer quality of life.

Physical Health

Physical health is both a state of being and a practice. Behaviors such as diet, exercise, sleep and stress have a profound effect on disease conditions and well-being. Physical health is also directly linked to hygiene routines, tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, workplace safety and more.

Neighborhood and Environment

In important ways, your zip code defines your health. Safe, connected, walkable neighborhoods with access to nutritional food, good education for children, and human services make it easier to enjoy well-being.

Mental & Emotional

Recognizing your own and others emotions and responding appropriately makes a difference. It is the ability to cultivate positive thoughts, practice self-compassion, express emotions and consciously choose your responses, including engaging in support systems to help cope.

Work, Learning & Growth

Employment, education and opportunities for personal growth are bedrocks of well-being. Using available resources to develop and create opportunities that resonate with your unique gifts, skills, and talents contributes to meaning and purpose, and helps you remain active and involved throughout life.