Newsletter – April 2024

Mental Health, Stroke Awareness and More

Welcome to the
Resource Newsletter

The Newsletter is a quarterly newsletter aimed at introducing you to some of the best and newest well-being resources in Snohomish County. Four times a year, we’ll deliver some of the latest or most timely resources in Snohomish County straight to your inbox. We hope these regular updates help you or your clients find the resources you need to be happier and healthier. You can always find additional resources by following us on Facebook or visiting By the Numbers

January – March 2024 Partner Portal

Interested in having your organization and programs listed on our resource hub  

Any individuals and organizations in the community that care about well-being are invited to become PIHC Partners. Partners receive access to The Partner Portal, an online hub designed to make it easier to connect with PIHC and the well-being community in Snohomish County. Both individuals and organizations are invited to join.

Community Partner Corner

Partnerships are at the heart of PIHC’s work. By focusing on partnerships, we work to get access, resources, power and the locus of control as close to the community as possible by connecting the community to resources like PIHC, where your contributions matter. Thank you for keeping our resources updated and keeping our communities connected!

For more information on how we partner in community please visit 
Here are our recently joined partner portal members who have added their programs to 

Local Community Well-being &
Needs Highlights

From 2023 Snohomish County PIHC Health and Well-being Monitor.
See the full 
Blog Post.

Mental Health is for Everyone; Make It a Priority. 
This year Mental Health was the 2nd most impactful indicator on our county’s overall well-being score. Results also showed that mental health is strongly related to multiple areas of wellbeing; our satisfaction with purpose and meaning, community belonging, relationship satisfaction, neighborhood quality, opportunities for learning and growth, job satisfaction and financial security.
Look for a variety of local resources to support Mental and Emotional Health at

Visit our webpage to learn more about the annual PIHC Health and Wellbeing Monitor or how smaller community groups like churches, neighborhoods, or regions within the county can conduct their own survey—a My Community Health and Well Being Monitor

May – Mental Heath Awareness Month

Wear green in support of Mental Health awareness month this May. Green is more than just a color—it’s the international symbol for mental health awareness. Representing fresh starts, optimism, and energy, wearing green (or even adding a touch of it to your space) makes a bright and bold statement: I care about mental health! Connect with local resources supporting your mental health such as yogamindfulness meditation, and art therapy.

Check out our community partners free events geared towards whole person health:
Adult mental health first aid
Youth mental health first aid stilly valley health connections

May – Stroke Awareness Month

Strokes can happen to anyone, at any age. Having a stroke puts you at higher risk for a second one. This stroke month let’s come together to defeat stroke by acting F.A.S.T. The thing to remember is that stroke is largely treatable. It’s a matter of getting the right treatment, right away. Save a life by having a better understanding of stroke and by knowing what signs and symptoms to look for – Face. Arms. Speech. Time to call 9-1-1. 

Looking for local resources and support? Check out Healthy eating resourcesfarmer’s markets and community gardensStop Smoking Tool Shop, or a Stroke Support Group.

June – Juneteenth and Pride

Juneteenth celebrates and acknowledges the resilience and achievement for African Americans. On June 19, 1865, Union troops arrived in Galveston, Texas with the news that more than 250,000 enslaved Black people in the state were free. The day became known as Juneteenth or Freedom Day. Check out our community partners free events geared towards Juneteenth celebration – spanning the entire month of June and embrace the rich history of Freedom Day.

June is Pride Month in the United States, a time to remember history, celebrate how far we’ve come in advancing the rights of LGBTQ+ people, but also to reinvigorate our efforts to continue the fight for equality and against discrimination and hatred.

Looking for local resources and support? Find additional relationships and social connections and youth support programming and resources

Child Care Choice Voucher Program

The Child Care Choice Voucher Program makes it possible for families who reside in Snohomish County with low incomes to access and/or maintain high-quality licensed child care while they:

  • Participate in job training and/or are job seeking or
  • If they are employed and at risk of losing child care due to non-payment or at risk of losing job due to lack of childcare

Connect with additional child care resources or family resources.

Our Programs

Our programs reflect our mission in the community. Learn more about our programs and how you can get involved.