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LiveWellLocal.org Newsletter – August 2024

Movies in the Park, Back-to-School, Suicide Awareness and More

Welcome to the LiveWellLocal.org
Resource Newsletter

The LiveWellLocal.org Newsletter is a quarterly newsletter aimed at introducing you to some of the best and newest well-being resources in Snohomish County. Four times a year, we’ll deliver some of the latest or most timely resources in Snohomish County straight to your inbox. We hope these regular updates help you or your clients find the resources you need to be happier and healthier. You can always find additional resources by following us on Facebook or visiting www.livewelllocal.org.

LiveWellLocal.org By the Numbers

April – June 2024

LiveWellLocal.org Partner Portal

Interested in having your organization and programs listed on our resource hub LiveWellLocal.org?  

Any individuals and organizations in the community that care about well-being are invited to become PIHC Partners. Partners receive access to The Partner Portal, an online hub designed to make it easier to connect with PIHC and the well-being community in Snohomish County. Both individuals and organizations are invited to join.

Community Partner Corner

Partnerships are at the heart of PIHC’s work. By focusing on partnerships, we work to get access, resources, power and the locus of control as close to the community as possible by connecting the community to resources like PIHC LiveWellLocal.org, where your contributions matter. Thank you for keeping our resources updated and keeping our communities connected!

For more information on how we partner in community please visit pihcsnohomish.org/our-partners/ 
Here are our recently joined partner portal members who have added their programs to www.livewelllocal.org.

Alzheimer’s Association – Washington State Chapter
American Parkinson’s Disease Association – Northwest Chapter
Artemis Connection
Bothell United Methodist Church
Camano Center
CareerWork$ Medical/Career Path Services
Children’s Country Home
Cocoon House
Community Resource Center of Stanwood Camano
Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County
Ed Wiley Autism Acceptance Library
Edmonds College
Everett Recovery Café
Foundation for Sustainable Community DBA Farmer Frog
Granite Falls Community Coalition
Hand in Hand
Hoff Foundation
Homage Senior Services
Immaculate Conception Church
Interfaith Family Shelter
Lincoln Hill High School & Lincoln Academy Middle School
NAMI Snohomish & Island Counties (Sno-Isle)
Northwest Organization for Animal Help (The NOAH Center)
Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation
Refugee and Immigrant Services Northwest
Resilience Collaborative NW
Right at Home
Rise Up Academy
Salt of the Earth Food Blessing
Snohomish County CASA
Sno-Isle Libraries
Sound Dietitians
St. Vincent de Paul
Stanwood Elementary School
Stilly Valley Center
Utsalady Elementary School
Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center
WorkSource – Snohomish County

Local Community Well-being &
Needs Highlights

From 2023 Snohomish County PIHC Health and Well-being Monitor.
See the full 
Blog Post.

Physical Health Is Not Only About Diet and Exercise.
This year Physical Health was the most impactful indicator on our county’s overall well-being score. Not surprisingly, results showed that exercise greatly impacts our physical health satisfaction as well as having a sense of purpose and meaning. Stress is also a factor in satisfaction levels with the current state of physical health. Physical health is strongly related to multiple areas that impact our stress levels; our satisfaction with work or job, financial security, and ability to meet basic needs.
Look for a variety of local resources to support Physical Health at www.livewelllocal.org

Visit our webpage to learn more about the annual PIHC Health and Wellbeing Monitor or how smaller community groups like churches, neighborhoods, or regions within the county can conduct their own survey—a My Community Health and Well Being Monitor


Movies in the Park – Marysville

Marysville Parks, Culture and Recreation presents the 2024 Outdoor Movie Series. Enjoy cinema under the stars in the great outdoors for five consecutive Saturday nights, July 20-August 17.  Movies begin at dusk (check for scheduled times) and take place at the Jennings Park, near the Lions Pavilion. come early, save your spot, and join the fun prior to each showing. 

Movies in the Park – Mukilteo

Come enjoy a family night out at Lighthouse Park. Bring low back lawn chairs, blankets, and friends and enjoy a movie on a gigantic inflatable movie screen. This is a family friendly environment. Children may not be left unattended. Movie begins at dusk. All movies take place at Lighthouse Park: 609 Front St Mukilteo, WA 98275.

Movies in the Park – Monroe

Coming in August – it’s time for Movies under the Moon! Get your lawn chairs and blankets ready! This annual event takes place every Friday night in August at Lake Tye. Free to the public! This year’s movie selections are: 

August 4th: Minions – PG, 90 minutes
August 11th: The Croods: A New Age – PG, 95 minutes
August 18th: Top Gun Maverick – PG-13, 131 minutes
August 25th: Wakanda Forever – PG-13, 134 minutes 

Showtime is 9:00 pm, with fun pre-show activities at 8:00. Concessions will be available for purchase. 

Summer Meal Sites

Explore Food Assistance and Food Banks here in Snohomish County.  


Enrollment for preschool in the 2024-25 school year is now open. The Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program (ECEAP) supports 3- and 4-year-old children from families with limited income. This program is available to all eligible Everett Public Schools families, and we have added a new classroom at Silver Firs Elementary! 


Suicide Prevention Month

September is suicide prevention month where we bring awareness to a very important topic. It can be uncomfortable to talk about suicide but reaching out for help or checking in with our friends and families can avoid devastating outcomes. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you or someone you know needs help. Learning all you can about mental health is an important first step. Resources are available for your emotional wellbeing.

Edge of Amazing

Edge of Amazing (EOA) connects, educates and inspires health and well-being advocates to enhance whole-person health and health equity. Every year, EOA brings people together to address the most pressing health needs and public health issues impacting the health and well-being of our community. EOA priorities align with current community needs.

Our Programs

Our programs reflect our mission in the community. Learn more about our programs and how you can get involved.